1 Árbol frutal de mantequilla de cacahuete | En maceta de 12 cm | Cultivado a partir de semillas | Bunchosia glandulifera/argentea | Raro en la UE | Subtropical | Caferana | Falso guaraná | Ameixa-Do-Peru | Ciruela


17 disponibles

Regala esta planta a un amigo y ahorra dinero, ¡todos contentos!
Planta frutal de mantequilla de cacahuete
Este artículo: 1 Árbol frutal de mantequilla de cacahuete | En maceta de 12 cm | Cultivado a partir de semillas | Bunchosia glandulifera/argentea | Raro en la UE | Subtropical | Caferana | Falso guaraná | Ameixa-Do-Peru | Ciruela

17 disponibles

Lichis sanos para cultivar tus propios lichis
Árbol de chirimoyas sano para cultivar tus propias chirimoyas
Cawesh, árbol de Poshte
SKU: CLT033 Categoría:
GTIN: 8720865189352

Envío rápido a la UE


Cultivado en nuestro propio vivero

🌱  The peanut butter fruit tree (Bunchosia glandulifera/argentea) is prized for its small, red fruits that taste remarkably like peanut butter. Finding this tree is challenging in Europe, as it is not cultivated on this continent. Growing a peanut butter fruit tree can be a rewarding experience, as you nurture a rare subtropical plant and witness its development first-hand and eventually taste this unique fruit.

🌿 The peanut butter fruit tree was propagated from seed and cultivated in an indoor greenhouse with LED lights, thriving in its 12cm pot. It's regularly fertilized to ensure optimal growth and health, guaranteeing customers a vibrant and robust tree. This meticulous care results in a healthy peanut butter fruit tree that's ready to enhance any plant and tree collection.

🪴 El peanut butter fruit tree (Bunchosia glandulifera) produces small, red fruits with a peanut butter flavor. In Brazil, the fruit is eaten fresh or used in jams and desserts. In the Caribbean, it’s enjoyed raw or in fruit salads. Central American countries use it in beverages and smoothies. This rare fruit adds unique flavors to various culinary applications.Peanut Butter Fruit tree - Bunchosia gladulifera argentea

🌱 Shipped with confidence from our nursery in the Netherlands, centrally located in Europe, ensuring swift delivery. Each tree is securely packaged in a special blister in a sturdy cardboard box, guaranteeing protection during transit. This method ensures that your tree arrives fresh and in pristine condition, ready to thrive in their new environment upon arrival. A care sheet is included in the shipping box.

Información adicional

Peso 0.6 kg
Dimensiones 55 × 14 × 14 cm

Propiedades y cuidados

🪴 The peanut butter fruit tree can be grown well in a pot in temperate climates. Use well-draining, fertile soil and place the pot in a sunny location. Water when the top of the soil dried up. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.

Maintain humidity at a minimum of 50% and temperature between 10-35°C. Hand pollinating the flower is not needed as the tree is self-fertile. With proper care, it can thrive and produce its unique fruits.


The peanut butter fruit tree (Bunchosia glandulifera), known for its distinctive taste reminiscent of peanut butter, is recognized by different names in various languages.

In Portuguese, particularly in Brazil, it is known as Ameixa-do-peru and Caferana. In Mandarin, it is called “花生酱果” (Huāshēngjiàng guǒ). In English, it is often simply termed “peanut butter fruit.” Other languages: Abrikosine andene, Ameishia, Arumeniaka, Bunkoshia, Piinattsu bataa furuutse, Caferana or False guarana.

Propagation of the peanut butter fruit tree is typically achieved through seed germination or cuttings. Here’s how to propagate it:

Seed Collection and Preparation: Harvest ripe fruits and extract seeds. Clean them thoroughly to remove any fruit pulp and allow them to dry for a few days.

Germination: Sow the seeds in a pot filled with a well-draining, sterile seed-starting mix. Plant them about 1 cm deep and keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Place the pot in a warm, sunny spot with temperatures around 20-25°C.

Cuttings: Take 15-20 cm long stem cuttings from healthy, mature trees. Remove the lower leaves, dip the cut ends in rooting hormone, and plant them in a pot with a mixture of sand and peat. Keep the cuttings in a humid environment with indirect light, maintaining temperatures between 20-25°C until roots develop.

Care: Transplant seedlings or rooted cuttings into larger pots with rich, well-draining soil. Ensure they receive plenty of sunlight, regular watering, and occasional feeding with a balanced fertilizer. This method will help establish a healthy, fruit-bearing peanut butter fruit tree.

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Garantía y devoluciones
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Ermelo Países Bajos


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